Categorydisposable clothing - Disposable gloves - Wholesale hospital clothes

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After several years without attending this event, a world reference in the medical sector, we have returned with a lot of energy to answer all your queries.

This year, in addition, there has been a record of participation, with 5,500 stands from 69 countries and 121,000 international visitors (from 170 countries), being 90% of these people with decision-making capacity, which has been highly valued by the exhibitors.

These days, we have been able to show our disposable gloves and clothes, of different materials, sizes, thicknesses and colors, since we have more than 30 types of gloves and more than 500 references of disposable clothes, so it is easy for us to have the product that best suits your needs, do not hesitate to contact us!

We want to take the opportunity to show you some pictures of our stand, as well as to thank you for the time you have spent on it.

cv protection stand

cv protection team

cv protection gloves

cv protection clothes

cv protection disposable gloves

Our next stop will be INTERPACK 2020, also in Dusseldorf, at stand no. B06A, in Hall 7.1. We wait for you!

We have just returned from the the ISSA INTERCLEAN 2016 trade fair, in Holland, in which we have presented our latest developments of our products and met new people. CV Protection is grateful for the time you have spent with us at our stand.


cv protection interclean


We are trying to answer you requests as soon as possible and we expect to contact you in the next few days. Meantime,  you can check detailed information about our products (if you click on each photo below), or contact us directly.
black nitrile glove aachenfeel synthetic vinyl glove in white. Nitrile gloves AachenFortis to blog gloves- aachenprotec

aachenclean glovesBag with adhesive flapZip bagsBack closure isolation gown


We are back from this edition of the FachPack Fair 2015, in which we have had the opportunity of meeting personally some of our clientes, as well as presenting our latest developments and meeting new people. CV Protection is grateful for the time you have spended with us at our stand.


stand fachpack cv protection 2015

As we told you in the blog article in which we informed about our participation in this Fair, we have presented our latest product developments, which are explained in detail if you click on each photo below:
black nitrile glove aachenfeel synthetic vinyl glove in white. Nitrile gloves AachenFortis to blog gloves- aachenprotec


aachenclean glovesBag with adhesive flapZip bagsBack closure isolation gown


We are trying to answer you requests as soon as possible and we expect to contact you in the next few days.



CV Protection stand Hispack

We are pleased to announce that we will be, once again, at the International Packaging Exhibition of Barcelona, ​​Hispack 2015.

We will present products for the protection and personal hygiene at industry, so that neither workers nor the products get not contaminated:

On the one hand, we will expose the full range of our disposable gloves, including polyethylene, latex, vinyl and nitrile and, most notably, our latest incorporations  AachenFortis nitrile gloves and nitrile gloves AACHENprotec.

Clothes for single use also will have their place, among which you can find a wide variety of aprons, coats, sweatshirts, hats, sleeves, pants, for example.

Finally, we will also show other products such as zip lock bags, polypropylene bags with adhesive flap and “packing list” envelopes, all of them very useful for any company that packs and/or sends merchandise.

This year we have added several new products to our catalog, so we wil take the chance to present all of them at this event: regarding to the gloves, black nitrile glove, extra-long nitrile glove, white vinyl glove and the mentioned AachenFortis and AachenProtec, both for high-risk practices; concerning to the clothing, transparent polyethylene hairdressing layer, coat with back opening for a better protection, etc.

So, If  you plan to attend to this event, we will be happy to meet you, so you can see our wide range of products and novelties that we propose.

Following the model of continuous improvement, we have made some changes in one of our usual products, to preserve the privacy of patients and to make easier to people with reduced mobility the closures of neck and back.

As you can see in the photo, it is a new patented model of hospital gown, nightgown type. The differences presented against a usual gown are: firstly, the locking system; and secondly, the opacity, because it´s made of a different material which avoids uncomfortable transparencies.

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